Grant Policies and Guidelines
The purpose of this Grant Management Policies and Procedures is to develop, implement and maintain meaningful grant oversight and coordination for Protect Our Preserves (POPs), limiting POPs exposure to grant-related legal liability, and improving the efficiency and impact of programs and services funded through POPs grants.
Protect Our Preserves POPs Mission Statement
POPs, Inc. is a Community Nonprofit Organization that educates the public and advocates for and funds projects in the Del Mar Mesa, Los Penasquitos Canyon and Carmel Mountain Preserves.
Policy Statement
Grant Management Policies and ProceduresTo ensure consistency and accountability in securing and managing grant funds, all grant applications must be submitted to the designated “contact” on POPs Board of Directors, who shall oversee all requests, application submissions, and acceptances. The “contact” will communicate with the applicant on the status of the application after that application has been reviewed by the Board of Directors of POPs. Anyone requesting a grant must complete the grant application document provided by POPs. Grants can be either projects identified by POPs or Request for Proposal (RFP) submitted to POPs. POPs reserves the right to decline projects with or without cause.
Grant Management Policies and Procedures
Application Requirements
An applicant for a grant must meet the factors listed below which shall be evaluated by the designated “contact” on the Board of Directors. The “contact” will report to the Board of Directors on the viability of the application.
Financial Focus
Total anticipated project cost
Specific timeline of project from start to finish
Costs that may be incurred by the applicant as a result of implementing the grant program that will not be recouped in the grant award
Staffing requirements if applicable
Documentation of a clear plan that takes into consideration timelines, funding shortfalls and continuation of program, termination or reduction of the program
Funding Focus
Project must be aligned with POPs strategic priorities, purpose, and goals
Increase public awareness of the preserves, habitat conservation, recreational use, maintenance and restoration
Eligibility is for nonprofits with proven expertise in environmental curriculum development or habitat restoration
Applicant must provide proof that the project is viable and can be completed within the time frame identified
Applicants must be a 501(c)3 organization and provide their federal tax ID
Grants are specific to programs in the Del Mar Mesa, Carmel Mountain and Penasquitos Canyon areas
Applicant must clearly state how the grant will benefit the area
Applicants must be clear if this is a one-time project or a repeat project
Applicants must identify any organization or agency who will be participating in the project
Amendments to a project must be submitted in writing to the POPs “contact” for approval by the Board of Directors
Ineligibility Factors
Grant applications may be denied if they conflict with the mission statement of POPs, Inc. Some considerations for denial of the grant are but not limited to:
Activities intended to influence legislation or support political candidates
Religious activities
Project outside of the three (3) preserves
Projects not in conformance with the City’s Preserve Management Plan
Creation of new trails
Regranting organizations
Application Submission
Grant agreements are legal contracts. It is POPs responsibility to oversee the project and/or activities associated with a grant to accomplish its objectives, while adhering to all of the terms and conditions prescribed by the grantor. Failure to do so increases POPs exposure to legal liability and compromises current and future projects. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that, in addition to the above requirements, each grant application submitted meets POPs expectations including the following:
Applicants must identify if there are matching funds associated with this grant either from the city, county, state or private organizations
Applicant must identify any association with a government agency, private organization, or not for profit organization
Applicant must state that they do not personally profit from grant money
Applicant must identify those working on the project and ensure that all appropriate licenses are provided
Applicants must have a designated contact person who will routinely communicate with the POPs contact
All grants will be subjected to critical review of grant application to ensure accuracy, document quality, coordination and that policy and procedure is followed
Applications will be reviewed within thirty (30) business days and may include an in person interview
Any amendments to a project that are contrary to the policies of POPs can prohibit continuation of funding of the project
Distribution of Fund
Approved funding will be distributed after an application has been approved by the Board of Directors. Based on the project and timeline, money will be paid either as a lump sum or in phases. The Board of Directors reserves the right to make that determination. Checks will be made payable to the agency submitting the application and not to an individual entity. Any unused portion of a fund for a project will be returned to the POPs account. Grants under $1,000 will not be required to fill out a formal application. The board will decide if money is to be granted at its next board meeting and if approved a check will be made out to the requesting party.
Revised August 18, 2022
By Secretary Aurie Kryzuda