City & County Plans
San Diego's Multiple Species Habitat Plan (MSCP)
A national model for balancing sensible habitat protection while allowing appropriate housing development. Central to the plans success is creating and maintaining connected habitat areas with adequate wildlife corridors.
Carmel Mountain/Del Mar Mesa Preserves Management Plan
Completed after 10 years of work to provide guidelines for the protection and maintenance of preserved natural open space on the Carmel Mountain Preserve and the Del Mar Mesa Preserve and define legal user trails.
Los Peñasquitos Canyon Plan
In August of 1980, the Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve Citizens' Advisory Committee, in conjunction with the Park and Recreation Departments of the City and County of San Diego prepared the Interim Mananement and Development Plan for Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve.

Partner Organizations
Team up with us to safeguard San Diego’s precious ecosystems. Together, we can create a stronger future for our preserves!
Your Monarch Butterfly Garden
Residing near or exploring Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve sparks love for nature. A profound connection with its flora and fauna has grown, becoming integral to our lives. We’re dedicated to safeguarding and cherishing this unique environment, fueling our commitment to its preservation. We’ve dedicated ourselves to restoring the Western Monarch Butterfly population, not only for our delight but for their conservation. We invite you to unite with us in revitalizing these iconic butterflies, envisioning Los Peñasquitos Canyon as a bustling haven for not just a handful, but thousands of these exquisite and vital creatures.
California Native Plant Society
San Diego Chapter
The California Native Plant Society is a statewide nonprofit organization seeking to increase understanding and appreciation of California's native plants and to preserve them in their natural habitat through scientific activities, education, conservation, and restoration.
Friends of Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve
The Friends of Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and management of the preserve and the adjacent open spaces. They support educational and recreational activities that foster an appreciation of the natural environment.