Protect Our Preserves

Dedicated Citizens Fighting to Conserve San Diego’s Natural Habitats Through Restoration and Education

Our Mission

We aim to promote the preservation, enhancement, and restoration of habitat in Del Mar Mesa Preserve, Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve, and Carmel Mountain Preserve through education, outreach, grants, and fundraising.

The Preserves

They serve as valuable habitat for a variety of plant and animal species and are enjoyed by recreationalists and naturalists.

How You Can Help

With the ever dwindling of natural habitats and open space, your participation in saving what remains of San Diego's beautiful landscape is more critical now than ever.

Become nature's hero by making a donation in any amount. What we save today we save forever. Click the link to send in your donation and POPs will send you a beautiful booklet on "planting a butterfly garden" in your yard as a token of our appreciation.

Our Projects

  • Darkwood Canyon

    The project, started in February 2023, has been successful in removing the majority of the invasives and ongoing monitoring will continue through the summer of 2027.

  • Harrier Hill

    Removal of the invasive plants is critical for the survival of the Harrier. The project started in February 2023 and is ongoing to approximately June 2026.

  • Old Growth Oaks

    The project started in June 2023 and ended the same month. The Friends of Los Penasquitos Canyon will continue to monitor the canyon for further evidence of the borer.

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Join us in protecting San Diego’s natural habitats—your support can make a difference.